Tax Strategy Foundation for Real Estate Investors

Beat the IRS

At their own game

Discover and implement tax strategies & loopholes that save real estate investors thousands of dollars every year with our Tax Strategy Foundation Course.
Tax Strategy Foundation


We review 100+ tax returns from prospective clients every single month, and guess what? Most real estate investors pay too much in taxes because they aren't implementing simple-to-execute tax strategies.


They don't know how to use the many tax strategies that exist.

Watch this video:
The Tax Code is public information that anyone can access. But our government has made it incredibly complex to understand.

So complex, that unless you're reading the Code full-time, you're not going to be aware of every way to mitigate taxes.

What's worse is when a real estate investor hears about some super-cool tax strategy and implements it without proper guidance.

You can guess the result: poorly filled out tax returns choc full of mistakes that leads to an audit. And investors HATE audits.

Complexity leads to fear... fear leads to inaction... inaction leads to higher tax bills.

We're here to change that.

Here's the simple truth:

If you knew the fundamentals of the tax strategies available to you, you'd reduce your taxes by thousands of dollars... confidently.

Knowing what tax strategies are available to you and how to implement them is half the battle.

You also need to learn the timing to fully optimize your tax position.

Most investors expect their CPAs to proactively bring tax reduction ideas to them. But then they are bummed when the CPA misses an opportunity.

Investing in education on the fundamentals will protect your hard earned money from Uncle Sam.

By knowing what tax moves to make, and when, you'll free yourself of being beholden to sub-par advisors.

Instead, you'll be able to better leverage their expertise by having clearer conversations because you'll know what questions to ask. 
Paper Money Spread out with a Calculator on Top

But taxes are complicated... where do you start?

  • Should you become a pro at reading the Tax Code?
  • Spend hundreds of hours reviewing the IRS Website and Publications?
  • Ask for advice in online forums? (Yikes...)

It's time to get Tax Smart...

You CAN learn the fundamentals in a short amount of time and start taking advantage of the Tax Code

And you can do it without...
  • Spending hundreds of hours reading confusing articles online
  • Spending thousands of dollars with 1-on-1 tax planning
  • Getting bad advice from CPAs who don't understand real estate

Tax STrategy Foundation for Real Estate Investors

Learn everything you need to know about optimizing your taxes as a real estate investor.

5-Module Video Course Tax Strategy Foundation for Real Estate Investors

Tax Strategy Foundation is a 4-Week Course for real estate investors and high-income earners. It includes 12+ HOURS OF PRE-RECORDED VIDEOS, a private community, and Weekly Live Q&As

The Course guides you through tax strategies available to anyone investing in rental real estate, from the basics of deductions to the complexities of offsetting your W-2 or business income with rental tax losses.

You'll ultimately learn how to have better conversations with your tax advisor and how to review your own tax returns to make sure you're optimized for taxes.

And no, it's not hard. You just need a bit of guidance. 
Tax Strategy Foundation

During the Course, you'll make progress by:

  • Learning how to shelter your income from taxes by leveraging the right tax strategies for your rental real estate investing.
  • Getting connected to the right people such as attorneys who won't sell you over-complicated legal structures, cost segregation and 1031 exchange specialists, syndication sponsors, and insurance brokers.
  • Becoming a Tax Smart real estate investor by learning how to spot B.S. tax advice, how to review your tax returns for quality, and how to ask better questions of your own CPA to save boatloads of money on taxes.
This is an action-based class... you WILL learn how to identify opportunities that you and/or your CPA have previously missed.

Many students end up amending tax returns during our course and asking their tax advisors/education gurus for citations to back up previously stated advice... because we showed them how real estate investors can actually leverage the Tax Code in their favor.
Brandon Hall, CPA
"My goal is to empower real estate investors to the point where they know what to look for in their tax return, to make sure no opportunities are missed. And I want to make sure that their knowledge reaches a level where they understand how they can use the law, and their tax preparer, to their advantage."
Brandon Hall
Founder and Managing Partner @ a National Tax Firm

Here's what you'll learn:

  • How to review your taxes to confirm if your CPA is familiar with the complexities of real estate taxation.
  • ​Strategies for maximizing tax deductions and how to plan for future investments. (Spoiler: REPS isn't the only strategy and, at times, not even the best way to take deductions)
  • ​What depreciation is and why it is essential that you know about it. You'll learn your way around depreciation schedules, how to review them, and why some CPAs don't include them with your tax returns.
  • ​You'll also learn about a big loophole 99% of Tax Advisors are unaware of. If you're a short-term rental owner, this is for you.
  • ​We'll explore why it's essential to understand REPS thoroughly. Knowing how IRS audits the REPS will save you from headaches other less-informed investors suffer.
  • ​You'll learn how to create large tax losses and the best timing for recognizing those tax losses.
  • ​We'll explore the Repair Regulations Safe Harbors as well as Betterments, Adaptations, and Restorations, so that you can maximize the deductions on any repair and renovation expenses you incur.
  • ​We'll help you answer the question: "how can I get affordable asset protection?"
  • ​Do you know what to look for when investing in syndicates and funds? How to deal with retirement accounts and the application of UBTI and UDFI? We'll give you the answers you need.
  • You'll learn how you can sell real estate while minimizing your tax burden and how to shift income/wealth to children.
  • ​We will update you on recent laws and and upcoming tax changes. 
  • ​You'll learn the best practices for keeping your records and defending against IRS.
  • ​You'll learn all the relevant citations to back up your tax positions which will help with conversations you may have with tax advisors.
We want you to be ready to have a smart and valuable conversation with your Tax Preparer.

And that comes from having access to the knowledge and guidance that will allow you to control your tax outcome.

Tax STrategy Foundation works...

But don't take our word for it. Here's what our past students have to say.


What You'll Get:

  • When you register for the Tax Strategy Foundation Course, you'll have access to 6+ hours of pre-recorded videos (see the modules below).
  • You'll also have 30 days of access to the Tax Smart Insiders community where you can post questions and interact with course students and tax advisors.
  • As you complete lessons, you'll be able to download handouts and tax tools as well as homework.
  • ​The course content is hosted in Circle and you'll have access to it forever... which means you can learn at your own pace.


  • Overview of the Passive Activity Rules
  • ​Qualifying as a REP
  • REPS Case Studies
  • REPS Strategies and Myths

 VALUE $597

Module 2: The Short-Term Rental Loophole

  • Short-Term Rental Loophole
  • Material Participation in Your STRs
  • STR Myths
  • ​Maximizing STR Loophole Tax Benefits

 VALUE $597

Module 3: Optimizing Your Tax Position

  • Managing Suspended Passive Losses
  • ​Safe Harbors & Partial Asset Dispoistions
  • Repairs vs Improvements

 VALUE $597

Module 4: Exiting Real Estate and Audit Defense

  • ​Shifting Income to Children
  • ​​How to Exit Real Estate Tax Efficiently
  • ​​Record Keeping and Handling IRS Notices

 VALUE $597

Bonus Course: The Fundamentals

  • The Basics of Tax Deductions
  • How Depreciation Works

 VALUE $247

Bonus Lessons:

  • ​Scrubbing Your Depreciation Schedule
  • ​Investing Through Retirement Accounts
  • ​Entity Structuring for Landlords
  • Cost Segregation 101

 VALUE $247

30-DAy Access: Exclusive Tax Smart Insiders Community

  • Attend up to 4 Live Q&As/month to get answers to your tax questions.
  • ​Forum to ask questions to our team of real estate tax experts
  • ​Schedule paid consults with the same Advisors our private clients work with
  • ​Access to our content archives of all prior articles and tools.

 VALUE $97


Yours for only $797

By the end of Tax Strategy Foundation, You Will:

  • Know the key tax strategies that you can use to save THOUSANDS of dollars and how to implement them 
  • ​Know what tax strategies are often marketed as "easy to implement" but often land taxpayers in hot water with the IRS
  • ​Understand how to review your tax return, Schedule E, Form 8582, and Form K-1 
  • Be able to have clearer conversations with your own CPA and hold them accountable to high quality advice
  • ​Have the key Code citations to support tax positions you take
  • ​Begin building an audit defense file by learning what records you need to save and why

About Your Instructors Brandon Hall & Thomas Castelli

Brandon started a tax firm designed for real estate investors back in 2015. His parents were investing at the time and he realized there was a lack of quality tax advice on the market. 
In the early days, he built the firm by helping real estate investors answer tax questions on online forums such as BiggerPockets. The firm now consists of over 40 employees servicing over 800 investors nationwide.

We first had the idea for this course when speaking to potential clients on sales calls. We were talking to ~50 investors a week (it was exhausting) and over time came to realize two things:

(1) most investors had mistakes and missed opportunities buried in their tax returns; and
(2) only a fraction of the investors I spoke with could afford, or were willing to pay for, CPA services.
This was frustrating for us. Being a real estate investors ourselves, we value information that helps portfolios run better. We we're talking to hundreds of landlords each month identifying tax mistakes and missed opportunities that cost them thousands of dollars.

So we created this tax course. We wanted to cover everything from the basics to the complex tax issues you may face in your investing career. We wanted to deep dive into these topics... not just gloss over them.

And we figured a community group for course students is key to further your understanding by allowing you to ask questions that we can answer.

The goal is simple: empower you to make better tax decisions with or without a tax advisor.
Brandon Hall CPA
Brandon Hall, CPA and His Wife Bonnie
Gino Barbaro, Brandon Hall, Thomas Castelli, Taylor Brugna, Jake Stenziano standing together at a conference
Tax Strategy Foundation

Frequently Asked Questions

  Who is this Course for?

This course is for new, small, and mid-sized real estate investors. If you're interested in learning how to better optimize your tax position, or if you're curious about what your CPA may have missed for you in the past, this course is for you.

  What does it cost?

The course costs only $797.

  Do you offer any sort of guarantee?

We can't guarantee anything as is nature of our profession. However we do have a refund policy that we're happy to honor. If you're not satisfied with your purchase within the first 7-days of registering for the Course, then you may request a full refund from us in writing. Once we process the refund, you will lose access to the course materials... and we'll be sad to see you go!

  What do I get if I register for the course?

You'll get access to 6+ hours of pre-recorded videos that by completing 4 modules. You will also get access to a Bonus Course and bonus sessions for even more tax saving strategies and tactics. Lastly, you'll get 12-Months of access to our exclusive Tax Smart Insiders Community, and acess to tax tools and homework to help you implement your learnings.

  What is the time commitment?

When you enroll in the Course, you have lifetime access so you can always learn at your own pace. There are just over 6 hours of video content and prior students suggest the homeworks take about 30 minutes each per each of the 4 modules.

  Can I watch the videos at a later point?

Yes, you'll have access to the videos forever!

  What level of tax education do I need to take this course?

You do not need to have a solid understanding of how tax works to get value out of this course. Though we will be using citations and certainly dive deep into specific issues (like REPS!), we do a good job of breaking the content down into bite-sized pieces for you. Remember, we made this course for real estate investors like you, not other CPAs.
4441 Six Forks Rd, Suite 106-150, Raleigh NC 27609, (202) 455-8584
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